Bogdan Ioan Bacila

PhD, BSc

Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR),
University of Southampton,
Southampton, SO17 1BJ,
United Kingdom


A Music Technology and Audio Systems graduate at the University of Huddersfield, with a PhD in Psychoacoustics, who loves making big ideas come true. Always enthusiastic to start working on new projects, putting all my skills forward towards achieving the best possible results. The more challenging a project has been, the more discipline, focus and hard work it had received from my side; Always looking for the opportunity to validate all the experience gathered throughout the years, in new, challenging and fascinating projects.

Specialized in

Perception of spatial impression in concert halls according to position and head orientation.

Research interests

Spatial audio, perceptual audio evaluation, psychoacoustics, automotive audio, binaural audio, concert hall acoustics, extended realities.

Work Experience

Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR), University of Southampton, UK

Aug 2023 - Present Research Fellow

  • Research into the subjective perception of spatial audio in automotive environments.

Applied Psychoacoustics Laboratory, University of Huddersfield, UK
Jan 2022 - Jul 2022 Research Assistant
  • APL Head Tracker - A basic inexpensive DIY head tracker developed for audio applications
  • APL OSC Bridge - Interface between the APL head tracker and applications audio applications which require OSC messages. public release coming soon

Fraunhofer IIS, Erlangen, Germany
Dec 2018 - Dec 2019 Quality Assurance Engineer (Part-Time)
  • Testing of the MPEG-H Authoring Plugin.
  • Develop and implement automatic testing procedures for the plugin.
  • Manual testing for each platform and DAW.
  • General development of the plugin.

Fraunhofer IIS, Erlangen, Germany
Aug 2016 - Aug 2017 Student Intern
  • Manual testing of Cingo Composer plugin
  • Build and deployment of the plugin for all the platforms and DAWs
  • Development of the plugin’s GUI.

Voluntary Experience

2020 - 2023

President - Romanian Students Society - University of Huddersfield

2020 - 2021

Social Officer - University of Huddersfield Archery Club

2019 - 2021

3D Printing Specialist - 3D Printing Society - University of Huddersfield

2019 - 2020

Vice-President - Romanian Students Society - University of Huddersfield


University of Huddersfield, UK
2018 - 2023 PhD in Psychoacoustics
  • Apr 2023: Viva passed with minor corrections.
  • Dec 2022: Submitted the doctoral thesis titled “Listener-Perspective Dependency of Spatial Impression in a reverberant concert hall”
University of Huddersfield, UK
2014 - 2018 B.Sc.(Hons) in Music Technology and Audio systems
  • First class degree: 77 out of 100.
  • Final year project focused on the implementation and evaluation of real-time, read-tracked binaural in-ear-monitoring system for live music applications. [Poster available here]
HCC National College, Alba Iulia, Romania
2010 - 2014 Romanian Baccalaureate
  • Baccalaureate degree: 9.23 out of 10.


Software development

  • Python
  • Matlab/Octave
  • C++/C
  • HTML/JavaScript/CSS + Hugo (for static sites)
  • Git


  • R
  • Pandas


  • MaxMSP/Pd

3D modelling

  • Fusion 360
  • Shapr3D


  • Arduino

Notes and Typesetting

  • LaTeX
  • Markdown


  • Affinity Designer
  • DaVinci Resolve



2021 Băcilă, B. I., & Lee, H. (2021). Listener-Position and Orientation Dependency of Auditory Perception in an Enclosed Space: Elicitation of Salient Attributes. Applied Sciences, 11(4), 1570.


2023 Bacila, B., & Lee, H. (2023, August). Perceptual dimensions of listener envelopment (LEV) in a positional and directional-varying context. In Audio Engineering Society Conference: AES 2023 International Conference on Spatial and Immersive Audio. Audio Engineering Society.

2020 Bacila, B., & Lee, H. (2020b, October 22). Listener-perspective-dependent variation of interaural cross-correlation coefficient in a reverberant space. Audio Engineering Society Convention 149.

Bacila, B., & Lee, H. (2020a, May 28). Listener-perspective dependency of perceived auditory attributes in a concert hall. Audio Engineering Society Convention 148.

2019 Bacila, B. I., & Lee, H. (2019b, June 23). Subjective elicitation of listener-perspective-dependent spatial attributes in a reverberant room, using the repertory grid technique. International Conference on Auditory Display, Newcastle upon Tyne.

2019 Bacila, B. I., & Lee, H. (2019a, March 10). 360° Binaural Room Impulse Response (BRIR) Database for 6DOF Spatial Perception Research. Audio Engineering Society Convention 146 [Poster available here]


2022 Franco Hernández, Juan Carlos; Bacila, Bogdan; Brookes, Tim; De Sena, Enzo. (2022) A Multi-Angle, Multi-Distance Dataset of Microphone Impulse Responses. J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 70, no. 10, pp. 882–893


2018 Departmental award for the best final year project. - University of Huddersfield



  • AGB Licenced “Session (level 1) Coach”
  • Qualified for BUCS (British University and College Sports) 2022 indoors and outdoors championships

3D printing

  • Along with 3D modelling, it can be one of the most powerful skills, which I use on a day-to-day basis, for creatively solving different tasks and problems.


  • I built a few electric guitars, with very basic tools, in a student accommodation. The results were surprising and to this date it may be one my proudest achievements.
  • Some of my projects can be seen on my YouTube channel.


  • A great skill to have in general, crafting functional pieces out of leather and using them on a daily basis.

Other sports

  • Golf - 2nd place in Romanian junior national championships (2007,2008)
  • Alpine skiing - competed in national competitions between 2007-2011.
  • Cycling
  • Climbing
Last updated: 23 Sep 2023